Thursday, September 27, 2007 is a free service which does the hard work for you.
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5:55 AM
Labels: free, ping, PingMyBlog
Monday, September 24, 2007
Blog Carnival-Submit Your Articles Free, Get More Blog Traffic!
About Blog CarnivalBlog Carnival
Welcome to Blog Carnival! We love the idea of blog carnivals where someone takes the time to find really good blog posts on a given topic, and then puts all those posts together in a blog post called a "carnival".
To understand what a blog carnival is, consider some examples. Here is the first edition of Carnival of the Vanities (one of the earliest blog carnivals). Carnivals can be very descriptive like this one, or very concise, like this one. Find the style the fits your topic and time schedule.
We think blog carnivals are a great way for bloggers to recognize each other's efforts, organize blog posts around important topics, and improve the overall level of conversation in the blogosphere. Carnivals come in edited "editions", just like magazines or journals. The fact that carnivals are edited (and usually annotated) collections of links lets them serve as "magazines" within the blogosphere, and carnival hosts can earn their readership by providing high quality collections.
Since blog carnivals include lots of posts on specific topics, they also serve as a place to connect with those who are expert (or at least highly opinionated!) and those who are interested in that field.
Blog Carnival simplifies carnivals for two kinds of people:
People who read and contribute to blog carnivals, and
People who organize and publish blog carnivals.
Blog Carnival blog carnivals...
You may have noticed that we run some of our own blog carnivals. We started Blog Carnival by choosing some topics that we liked and went at it.
As time went by, we developed some tools to help us write our carnivals and blogs. We're sharing our tools with the blogging community. If you have suggestions for other tools or services for blog carnivals, please let us know.
We invite your feedback! Feel free to contact the Blog Carnival team.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
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Promote Your Blog, free
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Posted by
7:52 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
WHY SUBMIT TO ARTICLE DIRECTORIES...Submit Articles to Promote Your Blog
It is a marketing truth that "Content Is King". Good, keyword rich, content is what drives online traffic through search engines and gives the visitor a reason to keep coming back to your website. This is often referred to as "sticky content". As a traffic-generation tool it is unsurpassed.
Webmasters and publication editors have an insatiable appetite for tightly written "niched" articles that are relevant to their web sites or publications themes.
Their need is your opportunity...
An editor of an ezine, newsletter, magazine, or website has a never-ending need for good content. Each issue they publish must be filled with useful, relevant content that will appeal to their readers or subscribers self-interest. A publication that cannot provide a steady flow of new content will not long survive.
Posted by
9:51 AM
Deep Earth Model Challenged By New Experiment
Surface phenomena such as volcanoes and earthquakes are generated by what goes on in Earth's interior. To understand some of these surface dynamics, scientists have to probe deep into the planet. The lower mantle is between 400 and 1,740 miles deep (650 km- 2,800 km) and sits atop the outer core.
Coauthor of the paper, Viktor Struzhkin of the Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory explains: "The deeper you go, the higher the pressures and temperatures become. Under these extreme conditions, the atoms and electrons of the rocks become squeezed so close together that they interact very peculiarly. In fact, spinning electrons in iron, which is prevalent throughout the inner Earth, are forced to pair up. When this spin state changes from unpaired electrons--called a high-spin state--to paired electrons--a low-spin state--the density, sound velocities, conductivity, and other properties of the materials can change. Understanding these conditions helps scientists piece together the complex puzzle of the interior/surface interactions."
The pressures in the lower mantle are brutal, ranging from about 230,000 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level (23 GPa), to almost 1.35 million times sea-level pressure (135 GPa). The heat is equally extreme--from about 2,800 to 6,700 degrees Fahrenheit (1800 K--4000 K).
Using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell to heat and compress the samples, the scientists subjected ferropericlase to almost 940,000 atmospheres and 3,140 °F. They analyzed it using so-called X-ray emission spectroscopy. As its name suggests, ferropericlase is iron-laden.
It is also the second most prevalent material found in the lower mantle. Previous to this study, ferropericlase has been subjected to high pressures, but only to room temperatures. The new experiments are the highest pressures and temperatures attained to probe the spin state of iron in the mineral at lower-mantle conditions.
Under the less-intense conditions of the former experiments, the high-spin to low-spin transition occurs in a narrow pressure range. In the new study, however, both spin states coexisted in the same crystal structure and the spin transition was also continuous over a large pressure range, indicating that the mineral is in a complex state over a large range in depth in the planet.
"We were expecting to find a transition zone, but did not know how extended it may be in the Earth's mantle," commented Struzhkin. "Our findings suggest that there is a region or 'spin-transition zone' from about 620 miles to 1,365 miles deep, where high spin, unpaired electrons, transition to low spin, paired electrons. The transitioning appears to be continuous over these depths. At pressures representing a lower depth of about 1,365 miles the transition stops and ferropericlase is dominated by low-spin electrons."
Since measurements that scientists use to determine the composition and density of the inner Earth, such as sound velocities, are influenced by the ratio of high-spin/low- spin states, the new finding calls into question the traditional techniques for modeling this region of the planet.
In addition, a continuous spin transition zone may explain some interesting experimental findings including why there has been no significant iron partitioning, or separating, into ferropericlase or perovskite, the most prevalent mineral in the region. The research also suggests that the depth of the transition zone is less than scientists had speculated.
The existence of this transition zone may also account for seismic-wave behavior at those depths. The fact that the lowermost area is dominated by denser low-spin material could also affect the temperature stability of mantle upwellings--the generators of volcanic hotspots, such as those in Hawaii.
"This paper solves only part of the puzzle," cautioned Struzhkin. "Since the major lower mantle mineral perovskite has not been measured yet with this technique, we know there are more surprises to come."
The work is published in the September 21, 2007, issue of Science.
*Authors on this paper are Jung-Fu Lin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); György Vankó, KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; Steven Jacobsen, Northwestern University; Viktor Struzhkin, Carnegie Institution's Geophysical Laboratory; Vitali Prakapenka, University of Chicago; Alexie Kuznetsov, University of Chicago; and Choong-Shik Yoo LLNL.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Carnegie Institution.
Posted by
9:28 AM
Labels: Challenged, Deep, Earth, Experiment, Model, New
Thursday, September 20, 2007
10 Blog Traffic Tips
In every bloggers life comes a special day - the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader - you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits when you told your sister, father, girlfriend and best friend about your new blog but that’s about as far you went when it comes to finding readers.
Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to find readers. These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.
It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called “traction”, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.
Top 10 Tips
10. Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good “how-to” lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn’t news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.
9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed.
You don’t have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.
8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be serious about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need a easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that’s the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you’ve done a good job!).
7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people’s blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.
Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.
6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger’s article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it’s sort of like your blog telling someone else’s blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.
This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will likely come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.
5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.
4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival often enjoy a spike in new readers.
To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at
3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it’s so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it’s worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!
2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn’t bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it’s worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter.
How you benefit is through what is called your “Resource Box”. You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.
1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I’ve listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won’t stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers.
I hope you enjoyed my list of traffic tips. Everything listed above are techniques I’ve put into place myself for my blogs and have worked for me, however it’s certainly not a comprehensive list. There are many more things you can do. Finding readers is all about testing to see what works best for you and your audience and I have no doubt if you put your mind to it you will find a balance that works for you.
This article was by Yaro Starak, a professional blogger and my blog mentor. He is the leader of the Blog Mastermind mentoring program designed to teach bloggers how to earn a full time income blogging part time.
To get more information about Blog Mastermind click this link:
Five Reasons to Start a Small Business Blog
The Effect of Unnatural Linking Patterns On Your Search Engine Rankings
Are mashups the new ‘Java’?
It’s, like, so 1998 again…
Alfred Chuang, chairman and CEO of BEASystems, drew that comparison of nine years ago with today’s new technology climate, but he isn’t talking about dot-coms. Rather, Chuang was referring to the sea change Java wrought on enterprise computing back in ‘98, and notes that today, the converging forces of SOA and enterprise mashups are shifting IT dynamics.
Chuang made is remarks at the opening of BEA World today in San Francisco, which I am attending. (I’ll be providing more updates from there.) He declared that the “era of innovating with traditional enterprise packaged applications is over.” A follow-up speaker, Comcast’s Andy Baer, begged to differ on that point, observing that many of his company’s installed packaged applications aren’t going away anytime soon, there’s no doubt SOA has become a disruptive force in how new applications are brought together and assembled.
I remember those heady days in the late 1990s when Java came on the scene as a language that could run across any platform, freeing applications from the constraints of underlying OSes. Perhaps SOA-mashups will free applications from technology altogether.
Chuang said that the force replacing packaged apps are Dynamic Business Applications, which are sort of like SOA composite applications, but with a Web 2.0 flavor added. It also looks like a new spin for an old acronym — DBA. Chuang was also emphatic on the point that DBAs also enabled end-users to build their own applications.
DBAs are built on SOA and are both external and internal facing, Chuang explained. They’re “designed for people and how people work, no the system they run on.” BEA is embodying its Dynamic Business App efforts within the scope of a new project called “Genesis,” which builds upon the vendor’s Workspace 360 console.
Posted by
1:38 AM
Labels: BEA Systems Inc., Database Administrator, Java, Joe McKendrick, Mashup, SOA
Apple defends iTunes in Berlin, Brussels
Apple CEO Steve Jobs reiterated his commitment to charging the same price for iTunes downloads across Europe as his lawyers defended the company on Wednesday against allegations its prices are not uniform.
"We think prices should be the same. We think anybody in Europe should buy off any store", Jobs told a press conference in Berlin, which he visited in connection with an iPhone deal.
At the same time, Apple executives were defending the company in Brussels.
The Commission charged in April that Vivendi's Universal Music Group, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, EMI Group and Warner Music Group were forcing Apple to curtail cross-border access to iTunes.
According to a person in the room on Wednesday, a representative of Apple said there was nothing in its contract with Universal obliging it to operate national stores or to set a higher price in countries such as Britain.
Apple, according to the observer, said it had made unilateral decisions, in part because doing business in Europe turned out to be more complex than in the United States.
Apple was represented by Eddy Cue, who heads its iTunes division, and the company's general counsel, Donald Rosenberg.
Originally the hearing was to have run two days, but EMI and Warner dropped out, so it was abbreviated to one day.
The case dates back to 2005, when the British consumer association complained that iTunes stores in France and Germany charge 99 euro cents ($1.38), but Britons must pay 79 pence ($1.58).
Posted by
1:37 AM
Labels: Apple Inc., Apple iTunes, Consumer Electronics, Digital Media, Digital Music, Europe, Music, Personal Technology, Reuters, Steve Jobs
'Halo' no longer just a game for Microsoft
Microsoft wants video gamers to "finish the fight" when the last chapter of its Halo trilogy comes out next week, but a carefully crafted merchandising strategy will make sure the space-marine protagonist Master Chief lives on for years to come.
Halo is crucial to the success of Microsoft's Xbox video game business, which has lost billions of dollars since it was started in 2001 as a way to counter Sony's growing dominance.
Hailed by some as the Star Wars for Generation Xbox, the Halo franchise has spawned a mini-empire of licensed toys, clothing and tie-ins. The game features a space marine called Master Chief trying to save humanity from an alien army known as the Covenant.
For a company expected to post $57 billion in revenue this year, such licensing deals are little more than a rounding error. Yet Microsoft is driving to make the games division profitable this fiscal year, so every penny counts.
"Halo merchandise is a logical way to earn some extra revenue, and they are trying to collect on as many fronts as they can to turn Xbox into a profitable business," said Matt Rosoff, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft.
The most important effect of new Halo-branded products, however, is to make people more aware of the game.
"We make money and making money is great because this is a business. But we want long-term money that satisfies the fan base, not money today," said Steve Schrek, director of franchise development at Microsoft.
Microsoft also hopes Halo will help it "finish the fight" against Sony, whose PlayStation 3 console has struggled in the United States since it made its debut nearly a year ago.
The PS3's high price--still $500 after a July cut--is the biggest factor behind its woes, but Sony has also failed to deliver a true "system seller"--a game so good that people will buy a particular console just to play it.
Halo 3 is just such a title, and Microsoft has kicked off an advertising blitz that includes evocative TV spots featuring live actors recalling events that happen in the game.
Transmuting Halo from geek spectacle to the mainstream is a challenge for a company more used to pitching operating systems and word-processing software than building consumer entertainment products.
Microsoft is wary of watering down Halo, meaning it would rather walk away from deals for Master Chief pajamas or Covenant sippy cups.
"It's a balancing effort to be very, very careful that we don't oversaturate and piss off our 15 million fans," said Brian Jarrard, franchise lead at Bungie, the game studio within Microsoft that created Halo.
"We are obviously looking to broaden Halo and make it accessible...while at the same time, we want to keep feeding our core audience."
Microsoft had little experience in talking to toymakers and others about how to transfer an onscreen experience to real objects. But such experts exist in the licensing arms of movie studios, so Microsoft partnered with 20th Century Fox to act as the main licensing agent for the Halo brand.
Items that did not make the cut were a Halo-themed lottery ticket, lingerie modeled after a female hologram character, and toy guns based on the game's weapons. Instead, fans can expect high-quality action figures from McFarlane Toys, a tabletop game from WizKids, and replica weapons for mature buyers.
"We're very clear with them that this is not about running out and carpet-bombing everything. This is figuring out how in five years we're hitting new customers as opposed to in five years nobody cares," Schrek added.
Posted by
1:34 AM
Labels: Game, Games, Halo 3, Microsoft Corp., Personal Technology, Reuters, Sony PlayStation 3
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Eyes Can't Resist Beautiful People

Participants, all heterosexual men and women, fixated on highly attractive people within the first half-second of seeing them. Single folks ogled the opposite sex, of course. But those in committed relationships more often eyed beautiful people of the same sex.
“If we’re interested in finding a mate, our attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive members of the opposite sex,” explained study leader Jon Maner of the University of Florida. “If we’re jealous and worried about our partner cheating on us, attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive people of our own sex because they are our competitors.”
Maner's research is based on the idea that evolution has primed our brains to subconsciously latch on to signs of physical attractiveness in others, both to find a mate and to guard him or her from potential competitors.
But this evolutionary trick is not without potential romantic peril. Even some people in committed relationships had trouble tearing their eyes away from attractive members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, fixating on attractive people of the same sex as rivals could contribute to feelings of insecurity.
Maner found that men prone to jealousy kept a close eye on attractive potential rivals.
“When it comes to concerns about infidelity, men are very attentive to highly attractive guys because presumably their wives or girlfriends may be too,” he said.
Maner's experiments, which flashed pictures of attractive men and women and average-looking men and women in front of participants and measured the time it took to shift their attention away from the image, surprisingly showed little difference between the sexes.
“Women paid just as much attention to men as men did to women,” Maner said.
The study is detailed in the September issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Top 10 Mysteries of the Mind
Beauty Boils Down to a Simple Average
10 Things You Didn't Know About You
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12:35 PM
Labels: ArticlesBaseCamp, free, submit articles
World's oldest man turns 112
The world's oldest man celebrated his 112th birthday Tuesday with a healthy Japanese breakfast of rice, miso soup and seaweed, saying he wanted to live forever.
Tomoji Tanabe, who has been the world's oldest man since January this year, lives with his son and family in Japan's southern prefecture of Miyazaki. He keeps a diary and reads the newspaper every day.
"I want to live indefinitely. I don't want to die," he said as he marked his birthday, Kyodo News reported.
Tanabe, a teetotaller who has repeatedly said that avoiding alcohol is a secret of his longevity, was given a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records by the mayor of his local municipality in June.
Japan has the largest population of centenarians in the world. The number of Japanese aged at least 100 years old is expected to top 30,000 by the end of September, the health ministry said in a recent report.
The Japanese people's renowned longevity is often attributed to eating the country's traditional healthy food, despite the hectic lifestyle many lead in the big cities.
But the longevity is also presenting a headache as the country has one of the lowest birthrates, raising fears of a future demographic crisis as a smaller pool of workers supports a mass of elderly.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Publish photos to any Blogger blog using Google’s Picasa
Review system requirements
All Blogger members get free image hosting. If you're hosting your own Blogger blog, you can also use Picasa’s “BlogThis!” button to transfer pictures to your own server, too.
So what are you waiting for? Get Picasa and you start adding photos to your blog right now.
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9:13 PM
Labels: Picassa-free download
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Baboon adopts a chicken at Lithuanian zoo
The chicken was intended as food for other animals in the zoo, but escaped and was sheltered by Mitis, a six-year-old Hamadryas Baboon, Edvardas Legeckas, who runs the zoo near the port city Klaipeda in western Lithuania, told Reuters.
Mitis has been fed chicken meat before, but this time he fell in love with his food, Legeckas said.
"He plays with the chicken, cleans its feathers, sleeps with it, and takes care as if it was his own baby child," the zoo director said.
"But I am not sure how long this affair would last, because baboon may finally realise this is food."
Baboons, with their distinctive long dog-like muzzles and heavy powerful jaws, are omnivorous, but usually prefer fruit. In the wild, they live in close-knit social groups.
"Obviously this baboon needed someone to communicate with," the director said.
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3:23 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Top Ten Coral reef Facts plus Reef Fish Photos
Fact: Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems on Earth.
Fact: Coral reefs are the largest living structure on the planet.
Fact: Although coral reefs cover less than 1% of the Earth’s surface, they are home to 25% of all marine fish species.
Fact: 500 million people rely on coral reefs for their food and livelihoods.
Fact: Coral reefs form natural barriers that protect nearby shorelines from the eroding forces of the sea, thereby protecting coastal dwellings, agricultural land and beaches.
Fact: Without the existence of coral reefs, parts of Florida would be under water.
Fact: Coral reefs have been used in the treatment of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases and ulcers.
Fact: Corals' porous limestone skeletons have been used for human bone grafts.
Fact: It is estimated that coral reefs provide $375 billion per year around the world in goods and services.
Fact: If the present rate of destruction continues, 70% of the world's coral reefs will be destroyed by the year 2050.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Octocorallia soft corals
Octocorals are traditionally divided into six orders:
The Telestacea and Alcyonacea are two types of "soft coral." Muricea is an alcyonacean soft coral.
The Stolonifera includes the so-called "organ-pipe corals."
The Gorgonacea includes the sea fans and sea whips.
The Pennatulacea includes the sea pens and sea pansies.
The Helioporacea includes only one genus, Heliopora, the so-called "blue coral" of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Except for the "blue coral" and "organ-pipe corals," few octocorals produce substantial calcium carbonate skeletons; hence the name "soft coral" for many of them. However, most octocorals form spicules within their tissues, and some produce calcified holdfast structures or long, rodlike internal supports; these parts can be preserved as fossils. Such fossils have not received much study by paleontologists, but have been found at scattered localities throughout the Phanerozoic. Rare fossils that preserve impressions of the soft tissues of octocorals have been found in the Cambrian Burgess Shale and elsewhere.
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12:50 PM
Labels: corals, Octocorallia, photos, slideshow, soft
Sunday, September 9, 2007
King Ping--Update 57 Search Engines,free
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6:27 PM
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
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Ping Goat- Ping Dozens of Search Engines Free
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6:46 PM
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Friday, September 7, 2007
Is this the world's hairiest baby?
All parents like their babies to be the centre of attention – but that won't be a problem for one couple, who think they may have the world's hairiest newborn.
Heads turn whenever two-month old Katie-Lee is pushed down the street by her parents, Steph Pleasance and Danny Webster, because of her shocking hair.
Some onlookers even think the diminutive Cilla Black look-alike is sporting a toupé.
Miss Pleasance said: 'Even the midwife asked if it was a wig. When they see a baby, most people say “Isn't she cute”. When people see Katie-Lee, they say “Look at her hair”.'
Mr Webster added: 'Her hair is of unique colouration. We are forever being stopped in the street and asked if her hair is real.'
Katie-Lee's grandfather, John Webster, said: 'It shocked me the first time I saw her.
'I just looked at her and said, “Blimey, look at that hair”.'
Katie-Lee's parents, from Ashton under Lyne, Greater Manchester, are at a loss to know why their daughter has such an amazing mop of hair, which shows no signs of growing more slowly.
Mr Webster has already got far less hair than his eight-week old baby and Miss Pleasance said she was born without a hair on her head.
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10:52 PM
Sunflowers brighten life near North Pole
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Elisabeth Iversen's sunflowers are probably the closest ever grown to the North Pole.
She fondly waters her spindly 1.5 metre high yellow flowers in a greenhouse in an Arctic research base, brightening life in what locals call the world's most northerly permanent settlement, 1,200 kilometres from the Pole.
Looking like a shock side-effect of global warming, her garden on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen is a defiant reminder of a warmer south in an icy wilderness of polar bears, reindeer, seals and lichen.
"This is the first year we've tried growing sunflowers," Ms Iversen, a 56-year-old Norwegian said.
She works for King's Bay, the firm that manages the Ny Alesund settlement, where 30 people live in winter and 130 in summer.
"They're doing very well."
She also has tomatoes, peas, parsley, rocket and cucumbers improbably flourishing on a latitude north of Alaska, with snow on the ground outside and reindeer wandering the streets.
Along with her plants, almost everything in Ny Alesund seems out of place in one of Europe's most isolated communities. Originally built around a coal mine, it is now on the front line of Arctic climate research.
All food, and most construction materials, have to be shipped or flown to the base.
There may be midnight sun in summer, but in winter some compare life here to a claustrophobic "Big Brother" television set, where the sun sets for a solid four months and only the hardiest remain.
Ms Iversen says gardening helps to keep her sane in a place so remote that you need to carry a gun outside the settlement, backed by snow-topped mountains, in case a polar bear attacks.
"We're pretty sure that these are the first sunflowers so far north," she said.
Native to the Americas, sunflowers grow best in Europe near the Mediterranean.
Hostile conditions lessening
Grown for fun rather than research, the sunflowers will end up in a vase in the canteen. But in the same greenhouse, a Dutch scientist is growing grass as part of a climate change study.
All around Ny Alesund are signs that the bitter climate is turning fractionally less hostile. Glaciers are receding, and in the last two winters the fjord failed to freeze over for the first time in living memory.
Among side-effects of the change are the fact Norwegian climate researcher Paal Prestrud can no longer say he got married in 1982 on the nearby Blomstrand peninsula.
"It turned out that Blomstrand is an island - the glacier retreated and in 1994 you could circumnavigate it," he said.
Mr Prestrud says global warming, stoked by human use of fossil fuels, is happening about twice as fast in the Arctic as elsewhere on the planet. Once exposed, dark ground or sea soak up far more heat than ice and snow.
In other parts of the Arctic, the thaw is disrupting the lives of indigenous hunters. Some countries, such as Russia, which recently planted a flag on the seabed under the North Pole, are hoping for new shipping routes or to find oil and gas.
- Reuters
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10:45 PM
Most polar bears could be gone by 2050: report
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Two-thirds of the world's current polar bear population could be gone by mid-century if predictions of melting sea ice hold true, the US geological survey says.
The fate of polar bears might be even more imperiled than that estimate, because sea ice in the Arctic might be vanishing faster than the available computer models predict, the geological survey said in a report aimed at determining whether the arctic bear should be classified as a threatened species.
"Projected changes in future sea ice conditions, if realised, will result in loss of approximately two-thirds of the world's current polar bear population by the mid 21st century," the report's executive summary said.
"Because the observed trajectory of Arctic sea ice decline appears to be underestimated by currently available models, this assessment of future polar bear status may be conservative."
In January, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed listing the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, noting polar bears depended on sea ice as a platform to hunt seals.
Projected sea ice loss due to global climate change is believed to jeopardise the bears' range.
- Reuters
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10:36 PM
Labels: bears, extinction.polar, Floyd Craig
Studies say out-of-body is not out-of-mind
LONDON, Aug. 24 (UPI) -- British and other European researchers have found a way to induce out-of-body experiences using virtual reality goggles.
The researchers, who used the goggles to mix up sensory signals to the brain, said the studies suggest a scientific explanation for a phenomenon often thought to be a figment of the imagination, the American Association for the Advancement of Science said Friday in a release.
The scientists said the sight of their bodies located somewhere else plus the feel of their real bodies being touched simultaneously made volunteers sense that they had moved outside of their physical bodies.
The findings, published in the journal Science, suggest out-of-body experiences may be created by a disconnect between the brain circuits that process certain types of sensory information.
In a study by Henrik Ehrsson of University College London and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, volunteers viewed recorded images through their headsets. In the other study, by Olaf Blanke of the Ecole Polytechique Federale de Lausanne and University Hospital in Switzerland, volunteers saw images of their own bodies from the perspective of someone behind them.
The studies said multi-sensory conflict is a key mechanism underlying out-of-body experiences.
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6:05 AM